We do not allow returns or exchanges on sanitary items due to either customer selection mistakes or change in opinion.
Bodi Fresh abides by rigorous hygienic standards, and due to this, we cannot resell sanitary products which have been handles by a customer.
Therefore we try our best to provide comprehensive information on our period underwear. If you remain uncertain about which item is most suitable for you, or help with sizing, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at info@bodi-fresh.com so we can help you find the perfect fit for your body.
Faulty Garments
For any faulty product, reach out to our customer service at info@bodi-fresh.com. Please provide your order number and proof of purchase, and present a precise description of the defect. If appropriate, include a picture highlighting the issue. We will get back to you concerning further action in 1-3 business days.
Refunds are issued in the same form of payment as the original purchase and can take up to 5-10 business days to be processed by your bank.
Stockists Purchases
For items obtained through another stockist or retailer, please reach out to the retailer directly for any return/exchange information in regards to your purchase.